Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Sonic Xbox360 Demo Review

After being blown away by the trailer, I was actually excited to try out the new Sonic game for the 360. It had much more of a Sci-fi feel to it, with guns & explosions on top of sonic's break neck speed game play.

Those of us that grew up with sonic, like the break neck speed as you flew around with little regard to what was in your way.

Needless to say I was disappointed when it i downloaded the demo and played it for the first time, Sonic's speed is there, but the game seems to lack the "fast pace" of a true sonic title. To top it off the control and the camera are very sub par. The controls maybe would not be a issue, but in the beginning level on the demo, you are pron to falling of the edges of the platforms you are jumping on. It seems easier to walk sonic rather that run him. A walking Sonic isn't a sonic at all.

Also i realize its nice to keep the controls simple, but basically you are left with a jump button and a attack button plus the d-pad. This game honestly could have used a few different attack type buttons. You could play this game on a NES paddle.

Overall i can honestly say i am disappointed. Perhaps i was over hyped by the trailer? Who wouldn't be though? Sonic never seemed so kick ass. Apparently Sega forgot to bring the "kick" with this game.

Thank you again Xbox Live Marketplace for saving me $60 or at least a $5 wasted on a rental.

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